keyb - change layout of keyboard.
label - change the label of a disk drive.
lh - load a device driver in to high memory.
listsvc - recovery console command that displays the
services and drivers.
loadfix - load a program above the first 64k.
loadhigh - load a device driver in to high memory.
lock - lock the hard disk drive.
logon - recovery console command to list installations and
enable administrator login.
map - displays the device name of a drive.
md - command to create a new directory.
mem - display memory on system.
mkdir - command to create a new directory.
mode - modify the port or display settings.
more - display one page at a time.
move - move one or more files from one directory to another
msav - early microsoft virus scanner.
msd - diagnostics utility.
mscdex - utility used to load and provide access to the
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