Encryption Catfish Add Comment Edit There's been a lot of talk about encryption in the media lately. In the aftermath of Paris terror attacks, there are questions a...
What is Gamification? Catfish Add Comment Edit The process of game-thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems. Gamification - A Brief Introduction to Gamif...
Google Takeout: Download Your Google Data Catfish Add Comment Edit GoogleTakeout is Google's Download your data service which is a project by the Google Data Liberation Front that allows u...
Search 'I'm feeling curious' on Google... Catfish Add Comment Edit Type "I'm feeling curious" into the search engine and it will serve up a random fact fact from the Internet. Examples...
Google introduced a new Google Logo Catfish Add Comment Edit Yesterday google introduced a new logo. Google has changed a lot over the past 17 years—from the range of products to the evolution of...
'Undo Send' Feature of GMAIL Catfish Add Comment Edit Google has added the ability to unsend messages in Gmail. If you make a regret sending a message, you can undo the action by enablin...
Google Photos Catfish Add Comment Edit Google Photos is a photograph and video sharing and storage service by Google . It was announced in May 2015 and spun out from Google...
Google Developers: List of All Products Catfish Add Comment Edit Google Developers Products are software development tools, application programming interfaces (APIs), and technical resources. ...